HR Marketing

Owner Syed Hasnain Ul Haque Jazzcash:03151712630 Easypaisa:03438701627 Jazzcash:03327524646 Note: Only send money on owner number if anyone demands on his own number he is scam


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We are going to start new courses of digital marketing and advertising and graphic designing, are you ready?

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Welcome to HR Marketing

This is Syed Hasnain Ul Haque and i am the owner of the company.Our purpose is to promote Digital Marketing as the future of world is now online. HR Digital Marketing falls in LOCAL BUSINESS line of business. You can visit us offline at our office located at : 7X3 Madina Town Faisalabad Punjab, Pakistan  You can contact us by phone - **********2630 or email us on h**************@g*****.com.



media video What is Digital marketing

What is Digital marketing

media image Our logo

Our logo

Our clients

1) Muhammad Waleed bin Khalid

our client

Muhammad Waleed Bin Khalid

This site was designed with Websites.co.in - Website Builder

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